Virtual Baroque Workshop • Bruce Dickey • Imitare la voce humana: Instrumental Vocality from Ganassi to Cavalli

Presented by San Francisco Early Music Society


The cornetto was many times described as the instrument best able to imitate the human voice.
What does that mean? Is it the timbre of the sound. We’ll look at descriptions of the sound and try to see how much we actually know about that. What else could be intended: articulation, dynamic flexibility? We’ll look at the use of articulation and dynamics to imitate voices. The ideal of the concertato sound. Voices and instruments joined in a perfect synthesis. How were these forces managed and utilized in music-making in the church from ca. 1550-1650. Open to all.

The Baroque, Medieval/Renaissance, and Recorder Workshops will hold online sessions in May and June. Information is currently available for the May classes, and will be available in mid-May for the June classes.

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