JS Bach Cantata Workshop: Cantata 6 Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden

Presented by California Bach Society

California Bach Society invites Bach lovers to the last cantata workshop of the season, featuring J.S. Bach’s Cantata 6, Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden (Stay with us, for evening is coming). Saturday, June 5, at 11am Pacific Time.  Duration: 75 minutes. All participants will be muted during the event.

Join artistic director Paul Flight, CalBach singers, soloists, and guests to sing, listen, and learn together.  We’ll practice sections of the choral movements, sing along to an outstanding recording, learn about the cantata from Paul Flight, and enjoy solos all sung live from soloists' homes during the event.  We will be joined by four acclaimed soloists: soprano Victoria Fraser, mezzo-soprano Gabriela Estephanie Solis, tenor Mark Bonney, and bass Scott Graff.

Please visit calbach.org/workshop to reserve your spot and to find more information, including links to scores and recordings. Registration is free, but required. A donation of $10 is suggested.

Price Range:
Registration is free, but required. A donation of $10 is suggested.

Program Items

J.S. Bach Cantata 6, Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden


Paul Flight Artistic Director
Victoria Fraser Soprano soloist
Gabriela Estephanie Solis Mezzo-soprano soloist
Mark Bonney Tenor soloist
Scott Graff Bass soloist