Hazel Cheilek

I have been teaching all my life because that is what I love to do. These are some highlights from my career.
Heidi Castelman Award for Excellence in teaching chamber music 1993
Vasta teacher of the year 1989
Chamber ensembles invited to perform for MENC 1996, 1994
Orchestras invited to perform for MENC 1992, 1993, 2000
Ensembles invited to Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition 1991-1999, 2001
Sigma Quartet from TJHSST win third prize, Fischoff 1993
Ensembles invited to perform for master classes with Ying and St Lawrence Quartets, Kreeger 1999-2001
Ensemble performs for Starker at Barber Symposium 2001
Many more master classes with Shanghai, Cavani, and Audabon Quartets
Seven times nominated to Outstanding Teachers of America by former students asked which teacher had the greatest influence on their lives

37.4062237, -122.0781663

Mountain View, CA (94043)

Full Name:
Hazel Cheilek
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Music Styles:
Whatever it takes to love and enjoy playing
Instrument/Voice Types Taught:
Viola, Violin
Age Ranges:
Middle School
High School

Case western Reserve, U Texas, Vienna Academy, lessons with William Primrose

Years Teaching:
Lesson Rate:
$35/half hour
Makes House Calls: