
San Francisco Boys Chorus Junior Apprentice Level II

Jr. Apprentices (Level II choristers) meet twice weekly in an expanded early-childhood training setting that fosters focus on a leader, further development of the head voice, rhythm through kinesthetic learning, and early sight-singing and music theory concepts using the Kodály method. Taught by masters-educated instructors, choristers ranging from grades 1-2 begin learning polyphony through rounds and canons, early training devices used to train the ear to independently hold pitch and eventually be able to harmonize with fellow choristers – a hallmark of any chorus. Jr.

San Francisco Boys Chorus Junior Apprentice Level II

Jr. Apprentices (Level II choristers) meet twice weekly in an expanded early-childhood training setting that fosters focus on a leader, further development of the head voice, rhythm through kinesthetic learning, and early sight-singing and music theory concepts using the Kodály method. Taught by masters-educated instructors, choristers ranging from grades 1-2 begin learning polyphony through rounds and canons, early training devices used to train the ear to independently hold pitch and eventually be able to harmonize with fellow choristers – a hallmark of any chorus. Jr.

San Francisco Boys Chorus Junior Apprentice Level II

Jr. Apprentices (Level II choristers) meet twice weekly in an expanded early-childhood training setting that fosters focus on a leader, further development of the head voice, rhythm through kinesthetic learning, and early sight-singing and music theory concepts using the Kodály method. Taught by masters-educated instructors, choristers ranging from grades 1-2 begin learning polyphony through rounds and canons, early training devices used to train the ear to independently hold pitch and eventually be able to harmonize with fellow choristers – a hallmark of any chorus. Jr.

San Francisco Boys Chorus Preparatory Chorus Level I

Prep Chorus (Level I) students meet for one hour, once per week to enjoy an early-childhood program designed to encourage enthusiasm and appreciation for music in SFBC’s youngest choristers ranging from grades K-1. Preps learn vocal placement in the head voice, as well as basic repertoire through age-appropriate games. They also learn the balance between fun and focus, with a curriculum designed for short attention spans. Rehearsals in either San Francisco or Oakland.

San Francisco Boys Chorus Preparatory Chorus Level I

Prep Chorus (Level I) students meet for one hour, once per week to enjoy an early-childhood program designed to encourage enthusiasm and appreciation for music in SFBC’s youngest choristers ranging from grades K-1. Preps learn vocal placement in the head voice, as well as basic repertoire through age-appropriate games. They also learn the balance between fun and focus, with a curriculum designed for short attention spans. Rehearsals in either San Francisco or Oakland.