Gloriæ Dei Cantores (Singers to the Glory of God) Lenten Concert: Renaissance Masters

Presented by Gloriae Dei Cantores

In-Person and Livestreamed
Church of the Transfiguration
Rock Harbor, Orleans, MA

Embark on a joy-filled journey this Lent with Renaissance masters including Byrd, Palestrina, Tallis, and di Lasso, performed by the world class choir Gloriæ Dei Cantores. Hear “expert renditions of Gregorian chant” (New York Times), the grace and beauty of Palestrina, and the sweeping praises of Viadana’s Exultate Justi. Experience these sacred sounds surrounded by frescoes, mosaics, glass, sculpture, and other works of art.

FREE tickets for students and youth 18 & under - use code STUDENT at check out

Price Range:

Program Items

Palestrina Jesu Rex Admirabilis
Thomas Tallis Euge Caeli
Francisco Guerrero Ave Virgo Sanctissima
Gregorian chant Ave, Regina Caelorum
Ludovico da Viadana Exsultate Justi
Tomas Luis de Victoria O Quam Gloriosum