
Opera Bravura Has a Way With Words

Janos Gereben on August 27, 2013
Christopher Bengochea and Sandra Rubalcava Photo by Bill Peters
Christopher Bengochea and Sandra Rubalcava
Photo by Bill Peters

The very name of Santa Clara's Opera Bravura is out there already, but consider the title of their next program: "Desire, Despair, Destiny, and Death!" — not much left beyond that to cover in the wide world of opera.

The Sept. 14 and 15 performances will present what is advertised as "the best pieces from 15 operas, accompanied by a 22-piece orchestra, fabulous costumes and easy-to-follow translations on a big screen." Participating singers include Christopher Bengochea (tenor), Katja Heuzeroth (mezzo-soprano), Sharon Maxwell (soprano), Jo Vincent Parks (baritone), and Diane Squires (soprano). Bruce Olstad conducts.

I especially like the pitch of "with a huge variety of style, constantly changing, there is no time for boredom and no waiting for the 'good stuff' to come!" Do the Bravura folks consider sitting through whole operas a less desirable alternative?