A Marais Sampler

Presented by Barefoot Chamber Concerts

Barefoot Chamber Concerts (“an enterprise noted for both its quality and informality” – San Francisco Classical Voice) presents really good music in the right acoustic and without the formality of most classical music events. 

Barefoot’s February concert features the music of the great Marin Marais. The son of a humble shoemaker, Marais eventually became a composer and viol player who inspired a movie (“Tous les Matins du Monde”), wrote some of the first French operas, was appointed “Ordinaire de la Chambre du Roi” under Louis XIV, and wrote over 550 “pièces de viole” spread over five books published between 1686 and 1725, among other chamber pieces. The books of viol music form the mainstay of our program.

Marais specified that his viol pieces were best performed with just a theorbo as the continuo instrument, and that is the way we will hear his music. Lynn Tetenbaum (viol) and John Lenti (theorbo), both nationally famous as instrumental specialists in this music, need no introduction to Bay Area audiences. They will be playing music from all five of Marais’ books of “Pièces de Viole”, including the iconic “Labyrinthe” (a musical journey through so many curious keys, some hitherto unknown to viol players) as well as a variety of pieces from the other books (including John Lenti’s celebrated transcriptions of Marais for theorbo solo). 

Masks are recommended, but not required. A variety of seating is available.

Price Range:


Lynn Tetenbaum Viola da gamba
John Lenti Theorbo