A Musical Promenade

Presented by Echo Chamber Orchestra

ECHO Chamber Orchestra

Take a stroll through the gardens of San Anselmo’s First Presbyterian Church and immerse your soul once again in the sounds of live music. The Echo Chamber Orchestra will present “A Musical Promenade,” its first live post-COVID performance, on Saturday, July 10, at 6 PM under the musical direction of Daniel Canosa.

The one-hour concert will feature musicians of the orchestra stationed around the church campus playing music for small ensembles, culminating indoors with three pieces for full orchestra. “The Other Side,” a collaborative composition which explores the collective experiences of the past year, will receive its world premiere. The orchestra will also perform Mozart’s “Haffner” Symphony and Andante in C, featuring Echo Co-Principal Flutist Carol Adee.

Current COVID-19 protocols will be observed. Check the orchestra website for updates. https://www.echorchestra.com/

Tickets are $20 and available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/158463298993


Price Range:

Program Items

Pinkham Aria and Echo for two horns and timpani
Mozart Symphony No. 35 Haffnerr
Mozart Andante in C for flute and orchestra
Wanamaker Duo Sonata for clarinet and alto sax
Rupert, Gordon, Canosa The Other Side


Daniel Canosa Conductor
Carol Adee Flute