The Dennis Kamakahi Music Festival

Presented by Hawaiian Island Creations Lifestyle

The Dennis Kamakahi Music Festival

The Aloha Everywhere Concert Series continues at the Downey Theatre with The Dennis Kamakahi Music Festival, for an afternoon of Hawaiian music to honor the late great slack key master and Hawai`i’s most prolific songwriter, Rev. Dennis Kamakahi, a three-time Grammy Award-winner and member of the 2009 Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame. Rev. Dennis Kamakahi was considered one of the most prolific Hawaiian songwriters of all time, with a mission to bring excellent music, cultivate community, and a nurturer of the culture by spreading aloha everywhere.

Rev. Kamakahi’s proteges and contemporaries will join the stage for an afternoon celebrating his lifelong musical works. Special guests include Mike Kaawa, Kawika Kahiapo, Patrick Landeza & Sons and Jon Yamasato. Brook Mahealani Lee, former 1997 Miss Universe, will be the MC and hula dancer for the evening.

Price Range:


Mike Kaawa 12-string guitar
Kawika Kahiapo slack key guitar
Jon Yamasato slack key guitar
Patrick Landeza & Sons Slack Key and Steel Guitars
Brook Mahealani Lee hula dancer