Stash Wyslouch, Bleeding Vector (Lorin Benedict/Eric Vogler)

Presented by Outsound Presents

Bleeding Vector, Stash Wyslouch

8:00 pm Bleeding Vector
Eric Vogler - guitar, Lorin Benedict - voice
Lorin Benedict is an improvising vocalist (scat singer, essentially) living in Emeryville, California. He attempts to introduce more structurally involved elements into the field of vocal improvisation. Most of his work in this area is centered loosely in the jazz idiom. Recently, Lorin has co-led small groups (duos, trios) in which the roles of the musicians are somewhat mutable even in contexts where highly structured forms are being played. Examples include Bleeding Vector with Berkeley guitarist Eric Vogler, and another duo project with east bay saxophonist Kasey Knudsen. Together, these three musicians jointly lead the trio project, The Holly Martins. He has also co-led another duo project with Brooklyn-based drummer Sam Ospovat. Lorin joined the fold of musicians rather late in life, at the age of 31, after many years of listening to recordings and live performances, many of which involved members of his immediate family (all of whom are/were orchestral musicians in the western classical tradition).

9:00 pm Stash Wyslouch
Polish-Colombian Stash Wyslouch is an solo avant-garde Bluegrass guitarist, singer and songwriter. His music delights in story-telling, improvisation and outer-space worthy composition. Despite his Heavy-Metal beginnings in middle and high school, Bluegrass music has been central to Wyslouch's life for the past 15 years touring and recording with groups such as The Deadly Gentlemen, Bruce Molsky's Mountain Drifters, The Jacob Jolliff Band, and Tony Trischka's Early Roman Kings. His 4th and most recent album “Plays and Sings Bluegrass Vol. II” was released April 30, 2021. Conceived as a gift back to the music that’s framed his career, “Plays and Sings Bluegrass Vol. II” is a collection of zanily deconstructed Bluegrass classics. “Wyslouch tries to approach bluegrass from completely new angles — upside down, sideways, an interdimensional vortex only accessible from within his own mind.” – (March 2021, A. Mason) “Stash and his band have really broken musical boundaries by doing things that just don't seem possible on acoustic instruments.” – Billy Strings “A brilliant and Free-thinking Mind” - Chris Eldridge (The Punch Brothers) “Heavy acoustic laced with musical cosmology” – Tony Trischka 

$10-20 sliding 
(no one turned away for lack of funds)

City: San Francisco
Price Range:
$10-20 Sliding


Lorin Benedict voice
Eric Vogler guitar
Stash Wyslouch voice/guitar

Luggage Store Gallery

Luggage Store Gallery

1007 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States