Musica Pacifica with Sherezade Panthaki, soprano: Invitation to a Salon

Presented by San Francisco Early Music Society

Recline on your chaise longue and enjoy luscious musical bonbons as a member of the French bourgeoisie would! This program, by local favorites Musica Pacifica (joined by divine soprano Sherezade Panthaki), brings you a full feast of music such as would have been enjoyed in a typical Parisian salon of the time: colorful suites and sonatas by Jean-Philippe Rameau and Jean-Marie Leclair, one of Georg Philipp Telemann’s beloved “Paris” quartets, and gorgeous vocal music from Antonio Vivaldi, Georg Frideric Handel, and Louis-Nicolas Clérambault.

City: San Francisco
Price Range:
Pay What You Can—Suggested Ticket Price: $55

St. Mark's Lutheran Church - San Francisco

St. Mark's Lutheran Church - San Francisco

1111 O'Farrell Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States