SF Girls Chorus

In Praise of Music

Michael Zwiebach on March 16, 2012

Tickets are going to be tough to get at the San Francisco Girls Chorus concert next week. That’s because the Chorus is singing farewell to their brilliantly accomplished artistic director, Susan McMane. Expect emotions to run high, but the young women of Chorissima always perform to a standard that blows away the uninitiated. Here's the opening of Heuwell Tircuit's review from three years ago in SFCV:

Apparently, no one has informed the San Francisco Girls Chorus that what they are doing is impossible, so they just do it — and very well, too. On Friday night their “Transcendent Voices” performance in Calvary Presbyterian Church — part of the ensemble’s 30th anniversary season — was a jaw dropper that made the heart soar in delight.

That was from a concert in which the group sang in Sanskrit and Chinese, among other languages, and did so with a precision and beauty which, as Heuwell wrote, “defied logic.”

Their March 25 “In Praise of Music” concert will include a guest appearance by Frederica von Stade and will feature a world premiere along with a wide variety of great choral works. This is one of those events that every choral music lover should see.