Mark MacNamara

Mark MacNamara, a writer and journalist based in Asheville, North Carolina, has written for such publications as NautilusSalonThe Stanford Social Innovation Review, and Vanity Fair. From time to time, his pieces in San Francisco Classical Voice also appear in  Noteworthy examples include a piece about Philip Glass’s dream to build a cultural center on the Pacific Coast; a profile of sound composer Pamela Z and an essay on the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. MacNamara recently won several awards in the 2018 Greater Bay Area Journalism Awards presented by the San Francisco Press Club.  His website is

Articles By This Author

Mark MacNamara - September 27, 2012
MTT and Samuel Carl Adams
MTT and Samuel Carl Adams

Imagine you’re a 25-year-old composer and you get a gig with the San Francisco Symphony un

Mark MacNamara - September 20, 2012
Sebastopol Renaissance Faire returns
Sebastopol Renaissance Faire surprises

This has long been a Bay Area tradition, and for many year

Mark MacNamara - September 20, 2012
Children's Music Theater in a performance of <em>High School Musical</em>
Children's Music Theater in a performance of High School Musical
Mark MacNamara - September 20, 2012
Crowden School Student
Crowden School Student in orchestra
Mark MacNamara - September 13, 2012
Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival
Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival

This is a treat at the center of West Coast quaint.

Mark MacNamara - September 13, 2012

This is a terrific program for small children, ages 7 to 10, or between first and fifth grade: September to March — you sign up for the entire year, with no in and out privileges. It’s located at the West Portal School from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and it is usually conducted as a master class by a member of the local opera community.

Mark MacNamara - September 13, 2012
Eugene Sor leading young musicians
Eugene Sor leading young musicians

Thinking of parents looking to introduce their children to a classical music educa

Mark MacNamara - September 12, 2012

Cal Performances has once again crammed a whole world of diverse art into one season. Director Matias Tarnopolsky guides you to the featured performances.

Mark MacNamara - September 6, 2012
Solano Stroll
Fun for kids at the Solano Stroll

And now summer’s end is here, but all is not lost.