Janos Gereben

Janos Gereben appreciates news tips, corrections, and words of encouragement at [email protected].

Articles By This Author

Janos Gereben - November 10, 2020

The universal sound of suspense was an accidental discovery in an engineering lab. A hundred years later, musicians are still finding new applications for it.

Janos Gereben - November 10, 2020

Look for premieres from Anne Hegi, Danny Clay, Joel Chapman, and Pamela Z.

Janos Gereben - November 4, 2020

Suzanne Turley’s contributions to San Francisco’s cultural life were immeasurable.

Janos Gereben - November 2, 2020

The actor/pianist/playwright livestreams his one-man show from Italy this fall.

Janos Gereben - October 26, 2020

Commonsense compromises allow the SF International Arts Festival to proceed — with caution.

Janos Gereben - October 21, 2020

The salvage job on the virus-ravaged fall season includes some televised concerts.

Janos Gereben - October 20, 2020

The managers behind Yo-Yo Ma, Marin Alsop, and many more are partnering with the SF Conservatory of Music.

Janos Gereben - October 20, 2020

Even if they manage to stay healthy, musicians are struggling for survival.

Janos Gereben - October 13, 2020

Ongoing concerns about the pandemic once again force companies large and small to retool their coming year.

Janos Gereben - October 12, 2020

Erica Miner’s latest opera-tinged mystery is set in and around the War Memorial Opera House.